في الوقت الراهن هناك العديد من التحديات والظروف المحيطة بنا والتي تؤثر على حياتنا وعلاقاتنا بشكل أو بآخر .. سأرافقك الى رحلة اكتشاف نفسك وفهم مشاعرك والتصالح معها .. وسنتعاون لنشكل فريقا متماسكًا وقويا في حل مشكلاتك واستبصار ذاتك لتكون شخص افضل
:يركز عملي بشكل عام على علاج المشكلات التالية
.صدمة الفقد والحزن
.اضطرابات الشخصية، مثل اضطراب الشخصية الاحجامية أو اضطراب الشخصية الاعتمادية
.اضطرابات القلق، مثل القلق الاجتماعي أو الرُهاب او اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة
.اضطرابات المزاج مثل الاكتئاب
من خلال الجلسات الفردية، أعمل معك عن قرب لمساعدتك على التعافي، والتعامل مع التوتر والقلق، والتكيف مع التغيرات المفاجئة مثل الفقدان، وتطوير طرق أكثر صحة للتعامل مع المشاعر مثل الغضب. سنركز في جلساتنا أيضًا على مساعدتك في فهم تطورك العاطفي والنفسي والاجتماعي، مما يمنحك القوة للتعامل مع تحديات الحياة بمرونة ووعي أكبر
In today’s world, we face many challenges and situations that impact our lives and relationships in various ways. I’m here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you understand and make peace with your emotions. Together, we’ll build a strong partnership to address your problems and gain deeper insight into yourself, helping you grow into a better version of yourself.
My practice specializes in addressing a range of issues, including:
• Loss and grief
• Personality disorders, such as avoidant or dependent personality disorder
• Anxiety disorders, including social anxiety, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
• Mood disorders, like depression
Through one-on-one counseling, I work closely to help you recover, manage stress and anxiety, adapt to sudden changes such as loss, and develop healthier ways of dealing with emotions such as anger. Our sessions will also focus on helping you understand your emotional, psychological, and social development, empowering you to navigate life’s challenges with greater resilience and self-awareness.
Qualifications & Experience
- Licensed with National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA)
- PhD in Counselling and Mental Health | Ain Shams University (Egypt).
- Psy.M in Counseling with Honours (with Distinction) | University of Bahrain.
- Bachelor’s in Social Work & Psychology | University of Bahrain.
- Specialised in providing psychological and family counseling with 17 years of experience in diagnosis and psychological treatment, including conducting psychological and educational studies and research.
- Lecturer on Topics of Mental Health and Positive Psychology.
- Certified by Highfield trainer (UK)
- Certificate Ethical Management Consultancy (Regional Network).
- Author of the book The Psychological Connotations of Children’s Drawings.
- Participated with a working paper in the University of Bahrain Forum for Postgraduate Studies on the topic of mental health.
- Certificate in Advanced Training in the Techniques and Skills of individual and Group Sessions in Counseling under the supervision of Professor Mahmoud Gomaa.
- Certificate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Depressive Disorder (Saudi Psychiatric Association).
- Certificate in Modifying Behavior in Children (Saudi Psychiatric Association).
- Certificate in Skills for Dealing with Children (aggressive, naughty, stubborn) (Saudi Psychiatric Association).
- Certificate in Positive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Religious Content (Saudi Psychiatric Association).
- Certificate in Psychological Evaluation of Personality Disorders (Saudi Psychiatric Association).
- Certificate in Measuring PTSD (Cultural and Social Perspectives) (Saudi Psychiatric Association).
- Certificate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Phobia Disorder (Saudi Psychiatric Association).
- A training course on “How to Prepare a Trainer in Emotional Skills” by Dr. Mustafa Abu Al-Saad.
- Research & Publications:
- Doctoral thesis
- “The effectiveness of an integrative counseling program for developing self-compassion and enhancing psychological well-being among a sample of widowed women in the Kingdom of Bahrain.”
- Master’s thesis
- “The Meaning in Life and Psychological Hardiness among a Sample of Orphans Sponsored by the Royal Charity Organization and Ordinary Secondary School Students.”
- Psychometric Properties of the Psychological Well-Being Scale Among Bahraini Widows.
- “The Psychological Effects of Technology (Mood Disorders as an Example)” – a research paper presented to The Ninth Childhood and Technology Conference sponsored by the Bahrain Society for Childhood Development.
- A section on Drug Addiction, Methods of Prevention and Treatment, within the Addiction Recovery Conference organized by the Bahraini Dialogue Society and with the participation of representatives of institutions and ministries of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
- The distinguished charitable project within the Ahmed bin Ali Kanoo Medal Award for Excellence in Charitable Work.
- Guide to Educational Support Among a Sample of Newly Widowed Widows in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
- Attitude Towards Charitable Work Among a Sample of Volunteers at the Royal Humanitarian Foundation.
- Doctoral thesis
- Psychological Support Programs:
- An Integrative counseling program to develop self-compassion and psychological well-being among widows.
- A program based on compassionate guidance for Syrians affected by the earthquakes in Aleppo and Damascus.
- A program based on meaningful guidance for newly widowed people.
- A psychological support program for Syrian refugees in Zaatari and Azraq camp in Jordan.
- Trainer & Lecturer for the following courses:
- The psychological implications of children’s drawings.
- Psychological burnout in the work environment.
- Psychological diagnosis in psychological counselling.
- Control your emotions (developing anger control skills).
- Creative personality.
- Psychological empowerment of women.
- Building self-confidence.
- A psychological journey to success.
- Effective communication skills.
- Secrets and subtleties of body language.
- Psychological interpretation of dreams.
- Principles of scientific research.
- Basics of using SPSS.
- The path to an inspiring personality.
- Unleash your hidden potential.
- Feelings… How do I reconcile with them?
- Amazing personality.
- Self-concept.
- Diagnosing the condition in psychological counselling.
- Psychological counseling skills and techniques.
- My children…how do I understand them?